211 Rhode Island Resource Database Inclusion/Exclusion Policy
Information based on the Standards for Information and Referral published by Inform USA
Last updated May 10, 2024
211 Rhode Island maintains and uses an up-to-date computerized resource database containing information about community resources, including detailed data on the services they provide and the condition under which services are available.
Eligibility criteria:
- Federal, state, municipal government agencies
- Support groups, which are not incorporated organizations, may be included as appropriate to the needs of the community
- Non-profit organizations (classified as 501(c)3 under the Internal Revenue Code) which provide, coordinate and/or advocate for health and human services.
- Health and human service programs offered by State or municipal governments which have offices in United Way of Rhode Island
- Health and human service agencies outside of Rhode Island that serve Rhode Island residents.
- Advocacy groups related to health and human service issues
- Public School Districts’ Administrative offices
- Private schools for special needs
- State and community colleges
- Licensed and regulated childcare, adult day care, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home health services
- Critical for-profit organizations will be included under the following conditions:
- Provide services to individuals on Rite Care, Medicaid, Medicare
- Provide services based on a free, very low-cost services or sliding scale to the community not easily accessible in the public/non-profit sector
- Be critical to comprehensive services provision in the area
- Substitute if there no non-profit or government organizations that serve a specific area or need.
Additional Guidelines:
- All listed organizations must have known contact information (address, telephone number, and person in charge)
- Organizations that have repeatedly not responded to referrals will be removed from database and will be notified
- Organizations with incomplete applications will not be considered – all applications and any necessary addendum forms must be complete; all required certification documentation must be submitted
- Non-profit organizations must provide license number of their non-profit status (501c3)
- Organizations that wish to be removed from resource database must do so in writing
- Organizations that have a complaint regarding inclusion/exclusion in the resource database should address complaint to: United Way of Rhode Island, c/o Resource Database Manager, 50 Valley Street, Providence RI 02909
- 211 Rhode Island has the right to eliminate a program/organization for failing to update their record annually
- 211 United Island has the right to eliminate a program/organization when it is determined that the program is not in compliance with federal, state or local laws
211 Rhode Island reserves the right to edit information for brevity, clarity and content, and to publish the information in a variety of media, subject to confidentiality issues.