Day 2: Equity

Day 2: Equity

Read. Reflect. Take Action.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Before beginning today’s reading, reflect on these questions:

  • What does equity mean to me?
  • How can I use what I have learned about justice to build on my understanding of equity?

Today's reading falls into two categories — equity in the workplace and social equity.

Equity in the Workplace

Read one of the articles below.

Social Equity

Read this article: What is social equity? Definitions, examples, and more

Reflection (10 minutes)

  • Has my definition of equity changed? If so, how?
  • Where do I see opportunities for creating a more equitable workplace?
  • Who can help me create a more equitable workplace? List two or three people by name, role, and closeness to you.
  • Where do I see opportunities for creating a more equitable community?
  • Who can help me create a more equitable community?
    • List two or three people from your immediate circle. (Examples: Family members, roommates, close friends, or co-workers.)
    • List two or three people who are outside your immediate circle, but who you know by name and can get access to. (Examples: Neighborhood committee members, homeowner association members, or community leaders.)
    • List two or three people who you do not know personally, but who hold a position of influence. (Examples: Government officials or local advocates.)

Calls to Action

  • Create a plan for the next five days to connect with the people you listed in your immediate circle. Use the template below to craft your message.
  • Work with them over the next 30 days to get access to the people you listed outside your immediate circle.

Message Template

Hi, [insert name here]!

I am taking United Way of Rhode Island's Equity Challenge 2024. We are learning how to create more equitable workplaces and communities, and I need your help.

Equity matters to me because [insert your "why" here]. Here are a few ways we can work together.

[Example 1: Insert an opportunity you listed above.]

[Example 2: Insert an opportunity you listed above.]

I would like to connect with you and hear your ideas. Let's [insert your preferred method of communication].

Have questions? Email Kevin Matta at

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