Alliance for Nonprofit Impact

Alliance for Nonprofit Impact

Membership registration is now open for Rhode Island nonprofits. Be sure to register your nonprofit.

When Rhode Islanders need support in a crisis, nonprofit organizations are there to help.  When Rhode Islanders need a fresh start or the skills and knowledge to make a better life, nonprofits are there to help. When Rhode Islanders want to strengthen their communities, start a business, enjoy arts and culture, or see their kids grow and flourish, nonprofits are there. 

And now there is a new resource for nonprofits to turn to when they need support. 

The new Alliance for Nonprofit Impact at United Way of Rhode Island was created to provide support for nonprofit staff, strengthen nonprofit organizations, and improve the ecosystem in which nonprofits work.   

The Alliance was designed by engaging and listening to nonprofit leaders across the state about the challenges they face, and the opportunities they see. 

We will be offering programs and practical tools and resources for community-based organizations across the Ocean State, but we are especially focused on supporting organizations led by people of color and smaller organizations. 

During 2024, we will be progressively launching programs and services, and invite you to join us!

Please sign up for our newsletter.


We will be bringing you new resources, offering pro bono office hours, serving as a clearinghouse for information about professional development and training, mobilizing nonprofits for advocacy around the important issues facing the sector, and offering opportunities to connect and learn with other nonprofit staff.

Raise money via 401Gives

On April 1, 2023, 401Gives once again made Rhode Island history by raising over $3.4 million for 546 local nonprofits, from more than 15,000 donors. Be a part of 401Gives 2024.

Learn more and register your nonprofit.

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Upcoming Events

Pro Bono Office Hours

Alliance members have the opportunity to meet with content experts in areas such as finance/accounting, advocacy, legal, and marketing through Pro Bono Office Hours. Bring your questions, and learn from advice given to other organizations as well. Pro Bono Office Hours are currently virtual. Check out the Pro Bono Office Hour Calendar and register for a specific session by emailing


Additional local and national professional development opportunities can be found here.

Join us for our 98th Annual Celebration: United in Action!