Day 3: Diversity
Read. Reflect. Take Action.
Reflection (5 minutes)
Before beginning today’s reading, reflect on these questions:
- What does diversity mean to me?
- How can I use what I have learned about equity to build on my understanding of diversity?
Read one of the articles below.
- Option 1: 39 Types of Diversity in the Workplace You Need to Know
- Option 2: Why is diversity important?
Reflection (10 minutes)
- Has my definition of diversity changed? If so, how?
- List three to five things that make you diverse.
- List the names of 10 people you trust. Then, list their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, level of education, and whether or not they have a disability. Compare this list to the one with things that make you diverse. Do you see any differences or similarities?
Calls to Action
- Think about steps you can take to celebrate diversity in your workplace. List two or three, and share them with a co-worker or friend for accountability.
- Think about steps you can take to celebrate diversity in your community. List two or three, and share them with a co-worker or friend for accountability.
Have questions? Email Kevin Matta at