Day 5: Allyship

Day 5: Allyship

Read. Reflect. Take Action.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Before beginning today's reading, reflect on these questions:

  • What does allyship mean to me?
  • How can I use what I have learned about inclusion to build on my understanding of allyship?
  • Do I consider myself to be an ally? If so, what groups am I an ally to? How do I demonstrate my support?

Reflection (10 minutes)

  • Has my definition of allyship changed? If so, how?
  • Think about how you demonstrate allyship. Which category would you place yourself in?
    • Performative ally.
    • Intersectional ally.
    • Upstander.
    • Confidant.
  • Why did I choose this category?
  • Am I where I want to be as an ally?

Calls to Action

  • Think about steps you can take to become a stronger ally in your workplace. List two or three, and share them with a co-worker or friend for accountability.
  • Think about steps you can take to become a stronger ally in your community. List two or three, and share them with a co-worker or friend for accountability.

Have questions? Email Kevin Matta at

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