
Headshot of Kyle Bennett.

Bennett Named Chief of Staff & Public Affairs Officer


Kyle Bennett, who has long been at the forefront of United Way of Rhode Island's legislative and policy work, has been promoted to the organization's Chief of Staff & Public Affairs Officer. Most recently, he served as senior director of public policy and equity, and joined United Way in 2006.



Grantmakers Council of R.I. names Bourns new executive director


Courtney Bourns, who has served as a strategy and program consultant for multiple foundations across the country for the last six years, has been named the new executive director for the Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island, the financial support nonprofit announced Tuesday.



Americans turn to 211 helpline amid mounting economic hardships

CBS News

The Wall Street Journal reports Americans are turning to social services helpline 211 in economic emergencies. Rachel Wolfe, consumer trends reporter for The Wall Street Journal, joins CBS News to discuss.



Internet After the End of the COVID-era Affordable Connectivity Program

The Public's Radio

Courtney Smith, Director of Innovation and Community Outreach at the United Way of Rhode Island joins The Public's Radio to discuss tips on accessing affordable and reliable internet after the end of the COVID-era Affordable Connectivity program.



Free meals available for RI kids this summer


State officials announced Tuesday that the Summer Food Service Program will resume in early July. Free meals will be served in communities statewide to Rhode Island students 18 and younger, with no registration required.


Studio10's Ben DeCastro talking with Kevin Matta, senior director of people and culture for United Way of Rhode Island.

United Way’s Equity Challenge to honor Juneteenth


Studio10's Ben DeCastro is learning more about... United Way of Rhode Island's Equity Challenge. The event is meant to help people and businesses become more knowledgeable about topics surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and more.



United Way of RI launches Alliance for Nonprofit Impact

Rhode Island Current

The Alliance for Nonprofit Impact, launched by United Way of Rhode Island, aims to strengthen the capacity of the state’s nonprofit organizations.



National 211 Day – United Way 211 in Rhode Island


United Way of Rhode Island took a record number of calls – 263,347 – in 2021. Requests for help with housing, food, and health information top the needs among Rhode Islanders.



2024 Common Good Awards

Rhode Island Monthly

The Common Good Awards recognize Rhode Island businesses that inspire philanthropy in their employees and encourage community engagement.


United Way Welcomes New Board Members

“United Way of Rhode Island has appointed a total of 10 community leaders across its board of directors and its Community Advisory Board, while also naming a new board chair. Assuming leadership of the board of directors is Dolph Johnson, EVP, Chief Global Human Resources Officer for Hasbro, Inc.”

Starkweather & Shepley: Annual Celebration Honoree

“Here at United Way of Rhode Island… we take great pride in our role as a convener, bringing community stakeholders together to address our state’s most important issues. And we are tremendously fortunate to have partners that support not only our work, but also our vision for a Rhode Island that is the best it can be.”

Homes RI: Annual Celebration Honoree

“It’s no secret that Rhode Island is in the midst of a housing crisis — one that began prior to COVID-19 and that’s since reached epic proportions over the past 18 months. As it’s estimated the Ocean State is short some 20,000+ units of affordable housing… one group in particular is leading the charge toward flipping the script.”

Linda Katz: Annual Celebration Honoree

“When someone receives an award named in honor of the revered, late U.S. Senator John Chafee as Linda Katz has this week, you know they’re a powerhouse for good. Chafee, who is likely best known for his work in the Senate, was also a Marine, a Secretary of the Navy, and Rhode Island’s 66th Governor.”

George Nee: Annual Celebration Honoree

“It’s been quite the ride for George Nee since he felt inspired to leave Boston College in 1969 to help organize the grape boycott for the United Farm Workers of America in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The decision would kick off a more than 50-year commitment to labor and the rights of workers.”

United Way Invests $175,029 in Olneyville

United Way of Rhode Island has sent a total of $175,029 in grants to 12 nonprofits for their work to create long-term change in the Olneyville neighborhood of Providence. The community investments were awarded from United Way’s special Olneyville Fund and… [support] the Lift United goals of its LIVE UNITED 2025 strategic plan to create opportunities for all Rhode Islanders.

2021 Summer Learning Initiative Recap

“A year after COVID-19 turned summer learning programs upside down, youth in five communities reveled in a full return to engaging, in-person activities this summer — with recommended safety guidelines in place and the support of dozens of partners.”

Women United Invests $124K in OSTL

“Women United… has awarded… $124K in grants to three local organizations in support of increasing access to experiential learning for underserved K-3 students and to expand out-of-school time programs for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) youth.”

Uber, R.I., and 211 Partner for Vaccine Rides

“The partnership supports the State’s goal to vaccinate as many Rhode Islanders as possible by the end of summer by providing free rides to all R.I. vaccine sites for those with limited access to transportation.”

United Way Welcomes New Staff to Leadership Team

Robert Bush, Roshni Darnal, and Rob Hancock to play vital roles in delivering on organization’s LIVE UNITED 2025 plan to build racial equity in Rhode Island.

7 Leaders Selected for Second-Ever Nonprofit Innovation Lab

Fellows will spend the coming months developing and honing new solutions to pressing social issues, culminating in a “Shark Tank-like” presentation to secure funding to bring their ideas to life.

United Way Kicks Off Children’s Book Drive

“In what’s become one of the state’s largest efforts in support of childhood literacy, United Way of Rhode Island and its Women United group have kicked off their annual Children’s Book Drive. Throughout the month of May, local businesses, community organizations, families and individuals are invited to participate in any one of a number of ways.”

Join us for our 98th Annual Celebration: United in Action!